This bird list is based on the initial list by Durwyn and Sophie, with added bird species by Ebert Rocha, Carolina Orosco Ortiz, Mauricio Herrera and A. Bennett Hennessey.
The order of species in the following list follows Hennessey et al (2003). Species in bold and italicised are those listed as threatened or near threatened (Birdlife 2000). Species are listed for each site. As different forest types were sometimes present at sites, an attempt has been made to indicate species actually recorded within dry forest habitats at each site. For those species recorded within dry forest, letter codes describe the approximate abundance of the species at each site, using the following codes.
R Rare (encounter rate of less than 0.5 individuals per hour) U Uncommon (encounter rate between 0.5 and 1.5 individuals per hour) C Common (encounter rate between 1.5 and 2.5 individuals per hour) A Abundant (encounter rate of more than 2.5 individuals per hour) * outside dry forest
Added species to the Durwyn and Sophie list are in Blue.